grocery backfill leads with location analytics

Find and win grocery backfill projects with location analytics

The fact of the matter is that location analytics, which we’ll investigate further, is an invaluable tool no matter the kind of construction work you do. Another fact, though, is that grocery stores love backfill opportunities. Moving into lots and spaces previously utilized by similar companies saves all kinds of overhead. Whether it has to do with store design, infrastructure, parking availability, companies eliminate costs by moving into and potentially upgrading new spaces.

This practice is called backfilling, and it’s massively common, even among household names. For example, we’ve written about Target’s penchant for backfilling former Kmart stores. Evidently, their site selection team has identified Kmart stores as ideal starting points when getting new retail locations off the ground.

The other thing to note here is that while big-box retailers aren’t the only ones backfilling and building new locations, they are pervasive and hold much of the future pipeline in their hands. Take advantage of the fact that these brand names are everywhere, and they’re virtually always in need of help with projects like backfills. Of course, these companies also have established working relationships and insights into ideal site selection and contracting.

That’s why business small and large utilize BuildCentral for its comprehensive planned construction data, replete with decision-maker contact information, project details, and construction schedules. In a competitive landscape, getting the leg up on early-stage construction leads can be the crucial difference.

Want to learn more? Get started today with a BuildCentral demo.

Identify Potential Grocery Backfill Sites

According to a study published in the Journal of Real Estate Research, proximity to major roadways, population density, and median household income are important factors when identifying potential grocery backfill sites (Zhang et al., 2020).

The first step is to identify potential grocery backfill sites. Start by looking for previously occupied lots or spaces that may have been vacated by a grocery retailer or other commercial property. Also, consider sites that may have the potential to be repurposed for a grocery store. Use online resources such as commercial real estate databases and local news sources to identify potential sites.

Use Location Analytics

A study published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services found that location analytics tools, such as those offered by BuildCentral, can provide retailers with valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences, helping them make more informed decisions about store locations (Starkova et al., 2021). BuildCentral’s PlannedRetail enables users to view companies’ working relationships and decision-making contacts, geographic and demographic mapping overlays to assess traffic, and more.

Step 1 is going to be hard without location analytics, which can be a powerful tool when finding leads and winning bids for grocery backfill projects. By using location analytics tools like BuildCentral’s planned construction databases, you can identify potential grocery backfill sites based on specific criteria such as location, size, and demographics. These tools can provide you with valuable insights into the market and help you identify potential leads.

Want to leverage location analytics for your lead search and site selection? Get started today with a BuildCentral demo.

Research the Market

Research conducted by NielsenIQ found that consumer preferences and shopping behaviors are influenced by local demographics, with factors such as age, income, and family size playing a significant role in determining demand for grocery stores (NielsenIQ, 2021).

Once you have identified potential sites, research the market to determine the demand for grocery stores in the area. Look at the local population, income levels, and competition to determine the feasibility of a grocery store in the area. This information will be valuable when pitching your services to potential clients.

It can’t hurt also to pay attention to factors like tourism and lodging. Hotbeds for hotels and tourist traffic can obviously add value to nearby locations capable of meeting the needs to grocery stores or other big-box retailers. As capital is hard to come by at the moment in commercial real estate because of heightened interest rates, it’s no surprise to see the emergence of niches like medical retail, where urgent cares or community clinics share space within a larger supermarket-style space.

Quick, easy-access dining, household, and medical resources are of utmost importance, particularly in urban areas, but also in increasingly common and disruptive food deserts.

Build Relationships

According to a study published in the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, building strong relationships with clients is important for winning construction projects. The study found that trust, communication, and mutual benefits are key factors in establishing successful partnerships (Chen et al., 2019).

Building relationships with potential clients is key to winning grocery backfill projects. Attend industry events, network with real estate agents, and reach out to potential clients directly. Establishing relationships and showing your expertise and value can help you stand out from the competition and win more projects.

Submit a Competitive Bid

Research published in the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management found that contractors who submit competitive bids are more likely to win projects. The study found that contractors who offered innovative solutions, had a strong reputation, and provided value for money were more likely to be selected by clients (Kim and Ballard, 2021).

Finally, submit a competitive bid that showcases your expertise and value. Be sure to highlight your experience with grocery backfill projects, your understanding of the local market, and your ability to deliver on time and within budget. Use your research and relationships to your advantage and make a compelling case for why your services are the best choice for the project.

In conclusion, finding and winning grocery backfill projects can be a lucrative opportunity for construction developers, architects, contractors, and service providers. By following these five steps and utilizing location analytics tools like BuildCentral’s planned construction databases, you can identify potential leads, build relationships with clients, and submit competitive bids that showcase your expertise and value.) and insert one true, peer-reviewed empirical datapoint for each step. Use in-text citations.

Want to learn more? Get started today with a BuildCentral demo.