How to find single-family developers
Looking for single-family developers?
BuildCentral has your back. It might be a little intimidating to look for single-family developers, but it’s really not that complicated when you have all the data you need in one place. As a detailed, comprehensive planned construction database, we have all the info and leads you’ll need to find single-family developers—and other types of developers and projects.
Now, there are many sources you could use to find developers. You have general Google searches (with who-knows-how-many dead leads and irrelevant results), websites with limited data, other professionals in your specific industry, and on and on.
Of course, these search methods aren’t altogether useless or filled with bad results. Imagine each of these sources to be part of your toolbelt. Chances are, you’d need so many of these tools that your toolbelt would soon be down at your ankles.
Simplify your construction lead search with our database to find single-family developers. Think of BuildCentral as a Swiss Army knife that incorporates search tools and detailed data to give you exactly what you’re looking for. Not only do we have layers of helpful data, our 75+ human researchers verify all information to ensure accuracy and weed out dead leads.
Let’s take a look at the first step you should take when looking for single-family developers.
Refine Your Search for Single-Family Developers
Taking a broad approach to researching single-family developers can work but often leaves you frustrated and feeling lost on your hunt for leads. Instead of searching too broadly, narrow down your search.
To narrow your search, get familiar with what you’re looking for. In this case, you want to find single-family developers. That’s a great starting point, but you should narrow your search further. For example, determine which states you’re looking for developers in. Once you’ve located some developers in that state or those states, look at the specific projects they’re working on or have worked on. If you do a lot of work in the built-for-rent space, look for developers who are also heavily involved in that area of work.
Not only should you know in great detail the type of developers you’re looking for, you should also know your business. Ask yourself what developers you’d like to work with. Also, ponder which developers’ projects your company is best suited to work on. Read our blog on How to Get Construction Leads to learn more about narrowing your search. Once you know your business and which developers you’re looking for, it’s time to dive in the deep end.
Use Our Database to Find Single-Family Developers
Ok, you know exactly who you’re looking for. Now you should begin researching these single-family developers. As we mentioned above, it’s inefficient to have too many search tools. Use our website to find single-family developers instead.
- Simply go to single-familydata.com and click on “People” in the search area.
- Select the company type as “Developer.”
- Unlock over 5,000 single-family developers all over the U.S.
Please note that you’ll only be able to preview developers’ information with a free trial. To unlock all their info, including contact details, you’ll have to subscribe to the report. Plus, you can also choose to have us send you email alerts when we find new developers, their projects and/or companies.
We give you all the information you need to find and get in touch with single-family developers. You’ll be able to see the developer’s name, their company name, location, contact details and when we last updated the info (which is frequently). Single-family developers can run, but they can’t hide from you when you’re using BuildCentral’s helpful data. Read more about our SingleFamilyData product.
You can also view details for projects developers are planning and/or have under construction. Check out this massive single-family development in Florida.
From Finding Developers to Attracting Them
As we’ve been hinting at (and blatantly saying), BuildCentral’s database is the best way to find single-family developers, especially those in the built-for-rent space. You might be asking yourself if there are any ways to attract developers to your business. Good news: there are a couple of ways to attract them.
Expand Your Network By Getting Linked Up on LinkedIn
One of the best ways to attract single-family developers is by creating or updating your company’s LinkedIn page. LinkedIn gives you the power to create a company profile to describe what work your company does. Post about your business from your company and personal pages. Like, comment, and share posts. Interact with people. Leave a trace.
Visit and, if possible, maintain booths at relevant industry trade shows. You’ll run into a wide variety of potential connections, and you’ll almost always have your eyes opened to an avenue of business that you didn’t previously know to exist. It’s always good to get some face-to-face time with developers. We at BuildCentral frequent trade shows too, for what it’s worth. Check out the BuildCentral Trade Show Calendar to catch us on the road!
Key Takeaways
Finding built-for-rent, single-family developers doesn’t have to be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Simply refine who your ideal developers are, use our SingleFamily data product to find thousands of such developers and attract them by using LinkedIn and attending trade shows.
Once you’ve found the right single-family developers, the next step is to find the projects they’re currently working on and those they have up for bid.
Finding their projects is as simple as going to single-familydata.com and selecting “Projects” in the search field. We currently have over 17,000 single-family projects in our database!
If you’re interested in bidding on a project, check out QuestCDN. QuestCDN is a subsidiary of BuildCentral and is the premier digital bidding platform. There’s a chance some of the projects you’re interested in might be up for bid on QuestCDN, and you can easily view the details, become a plan holder and submit proposals.
Go out there and find those single-family developers!
Get a free demo to start finding single-family developers and projects.
Check out our blog on how to get construction leads: How to Get Construction Leads.
Read all of our blog posts: BuildCentral blog.