ICSC New York

ICSC New York 2023: Discussing the Current Turbulent CRE Landscape and the Future of the Real Estate Landscape

The commercial real estate market is grappling with unprecedented challenges, marked by lending issues, inflation, and fluctuating interest rates. High-profile cases, such as the RFR Realty and Kushner Companies’ Dumbo office portfolio losing 68 percent of its value since 2018, underscore the industry’s vulnerability. San Francisco’s PGIM Real Estate Finance is set to sell a downtown office building at a reduced price due to an owner’s default on a $125 million loan, reflecting the widespread impact on lenders and property owners. Even major players like Arbor Realty Trust face scrutiny and share price drops for reliance on high-risk bridge loans, while Deutsche Bank navigates a $350 million hit on a near-empty FiDi office building, highlighting the complexities of adapting to the changing market.

Amidst this challenging landscape, BuildCentral emerges as a beacon of innovation in commercial planned development data analytics. The platform’s transformative capabilities empower businesses to navigate uncertainties, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions.We guide you towards areas experiencing growth, help you select sites and acquire assets that will maintain their value, and identify locations where market value is on the rise.

Planned Developments

Get first hand experience with BuildCentral’s Planned Developments dataset as the team takes center stage at ICSC New York, Booth #2810, on December 6-7, 2023. We invite industry professionals to explore how insights and innovation can be the key to unlocking opportunities in the dynamically evolving commercial real estate market.