How to Sell to The Hotel Industry Using Hotel Profiles from BuildCentral
Many BuildCentral™ customers already know that HotelMarketData™ provides them early information on upcoming hotel construction projects and renovations.
But what if you sell to hotels that are already built?
Enter Hotel Profiles from BuildCentral.
Hotel Profiles lists close to 9,000 hotels in the United States and provides information on:
- Market Activity
- Chain
- Parking Info
- Scale
- Franchise
- Rate Range
- Room Count
- Amenity/ Meeting Space
A popular feature included with Hotel Profiles is the ability to review Market Activity updates because you can sort projects by:
- Personnel Changes
- Management Changes
- Ownership Changes
- Reflagging
or, all of the above.
With a Market Activity search, you can easily craft a shortlist of the very best prospects at the time when they are most likely to buy – when they are new and looking to make an impact.
Company Database
Another powerful feature includes the ability to filter by company.
Here, you can see all of the projects and contacts associated with a given company.
Use this information to leverage existing relationships, or to build new ones.
Follow projects from customers, partners and competitors and get these updates delivered straight to your inbox.
People Database
Finally, search by name to see all of the projects a specific contact is involved with.
The ability to search by contact name can also be leveraged to build new relationships based on mutual acquaintances.
While we’ve obscured them in the example below, we provide a direct contact number, a date stamp, and an email address for known contacts.
With all of these tools at your disposal, what used to be a time-consuming task is handled in a few clicks, with fresh data sent right to your inbox as it occurs.
Build hyper-targeted lists with ease in minutes–not hours or days.
How to Get Started
To get a jump on the competition and to provide your team with the right tools, Hotel Profiles makes it quick to find the right projects and easy to stay on top of market and personnel changes.
Industries that we see being served especially well by Hotel Profiles include:
- FF&E
- Staffing firms
- Security Systems
- Professional Cleaning/Sanitization
- Software/IT
- Low Voltage/WiFi/Broadband
- Uniform Services
- Landscaping
- Window Cleaning
If you are not a customer but would like to learn more, give us a buzz at 866-316-5300 and try before you buy.